Psychiatric Service Dogs For Sale in Florida

Service dog school of America trains and sells Medical and Psychiatric service and therapy dogs for disabled Texans.

service dog benefit Service Dog School of America

Service Dog School of America sells fully-trained Medical and Psychiatric service dogs for PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, TBI and Autism in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Richmond, Arlington, Newport News, Alexandria and Hampton.

Dillon the service dog

therapy dog trainerExperience a profound change in your life

medical service dog trainerBecome a more productive and happier person

therapy dog trainerImagine a life better than the one you have now

ADA-Compliant Assistance Animals

DID YOU KNOW? The #1 expert competitor in any field of expertise almost always gets exponentially better results, has more education, and more experience than the #2 and #3 runners-up combined. The potential for the service dog trainer you hire to over-perform for you should to be a major consideration when shopping for a service dog.


therapy dog trainerAmerica’s #1 Service Dog Trainer*
  * With a special Golden Retriever God sent to help you

–No one loves people and dogs more

–26+ years in business, same location

–Individually-trained Psychiatric and Medical dogs  

–Not just our business, this is our life

–Come visit us at DogAnswers Ranch and meet us and our dogs!!!


–Instructions for ‘How To Get A Service Dog’

1. Read our website.

2. Get to know us on Facebook and see 100’s of dogs we trained.

3. Submit a Service Dog Application

4. Visit our facility, meet us and our dogs.

We sell service dogs to Florida residents with disabilities. Many of the dogs go to school everyday with their owners.


therapy dog trainerPsychiatric Service Dogs for PTSD, Anxiety and Depression

medical service dog trainerService dogs for Autism and the Developmentally Disabled 

disabilities service dog trainerMental Health therapy dogs for clinicians and first responders

service dog trainerDogs that alert on physiological and emotional changes

service dogs for sale Florida

If you live in Florida, click here to Buy A Service Dog.

With a service dog you do not have to worry about about going to jail, getting put in a mental hospital, or overdosing and dying nearly as much. A lot of disabled people do the smart thing and get a service dog instead of being dope fiends, drinking themselves to death, or committing suicide.

Anxiety service dogs for depression cost a lot less than dope and a funeral.

What if it worked and your depression and anxiety was 95% better after you got a service dog? 

trained service dogs Virginia


We have seen many depressed people in Virginia just like you get a service dog for anxiety and saw the person’s life get 95% better.  They went back to school, got a job, got in a relationship, suddenly had money, a family.  Everything got better for them.

Conclusion.  Some with anxiety disorders use medications, while others turn to talk therapy. Many smart people are covering their bets though, and utilizing an anxiety service dog instead.

psychiatric service dog Virginia

Interested in learning more about a service dog? 

READ ON, and we will walk you through everything you need to know about anxiety service dogs in Virginia and how to buy one.

Virginia service dogs for depression and anxiety
Step One to get a service dog for anxiety–

Disabled people looking for a Psychiatric Service Dog, Emotional Support or Therapy Dogs for sale in Virginia need to know the questions to ask, especially if they have anxiety and depression.

To help you make the right decisions when buying a psychiatric service dog trained for anxiety and depression, we created a list of questions you can use to expose The Top 10 Psychiatric Service Dog Myths.  Arm yourself with these questions when shopping for a psychiatric service dog or service dog training in Virginia. This is what need to know about how to buy a service dog for anxiety.

Click Here To Get A Service Dog


Don’t forget to ask the service dog schools, agencies and trainers in Virginia these questions before you hand over your money, or put yourself or your child on a 2 to 10-year waiting list. 

Whatever your service dog costs, you need to know what the you are getting. More important is for you to see and know what you are not getting with 99% of service dog trainers for anxiety, depression, PTSD, dissociation, bi-polar, schizoaffective disorder, nightmares and many more. 

Click Here To Get A Service Dog

therapy dogs Virginia

1. 99% of psychiatric service dog training in Virginia does not include Off-Leash Dog Training.

Imagine your expensive psychiatric service dog running out in the street and getting its head run over by a car.  Unless the trainer can show you dogs they trained that are off-leash obedient, they are setting you up to get a dog that could die tragically the one time you drop the leash or leave the front door open.

Psychiatric Service Dog Training is a zero-sum game for most service dog trainers in Virginia.  Most are all about about creating desire, scarcity and constantly referencing authorities to distract you from looking at glaring defiencies— like the dogs they sell are not actually trained.

Peoples’ dogs die everyday in front of the owner.  Some of these disabled people call us and relive the tragedy over and over again. This is pathetic, sad and unnecessary is why we warn you what to look out for in the strongest possible terms.


How can someone in Virginia say any dog, much less a service dog, is trained if it has not had Off-Leash Dog Training?  How is a dog trained for Public Access according to the American’s with Disabilities Act if the dog is not actually trained?

service dogs for sale Virginia


a. Are the service dogs you sell or train generally off-leash obedient?

b. I don’t want my service dog running away.  Are you an off-leash trainer?

c. How come your website doesn’t show service dogs off-leash?

d. How can you train for ADA compliance if you are not an Off-Leash Trainer?

e. How come your website has no photos of trained service dogs off-leash?

f.  How come David Baron’s Service Dog School of America website has 1000’s of photos of dogs trained off-leash, but you do not? 

service dog trainers Virginia

2.  A 2 to 10-year Virginia service dog waiting list is a polite way of blowing off people who don’t have money.

The disabled who have money, or able to raise money on social media, for their psychiatric service dog move to the front of the line.  Some of our competitors tell you their dogs are free, but you still have to raise $9800.  Since when is $10,000 free?  The reality is they are disrepecting the disabled by not providing fairness-in-dealing by giving poor people that are suffering false hope about getting a Psychiatric Service Dog if they don’t have the money, friends or family to pay, or the energy to raise 40 grand.

How is this different than the College Cheating Scandal?  Schools taking money from the rich and telling the poor that it is a level playing field.  BS that money does not matter and that they are helping the disabled get psychiatric service dogs for anxiety out of the goodness of their hearts. 

Service Dog School of America’s Service Dog School of America™ is an example of private enterprise creating a better product that costs less money.

Service Dog School of America is America’s #1 Service Dog Brand, the only psychiatric service dog trainer offering Off-Leash Obedience trained psychiatric service dogs for anxiety, PTSD, depression, dissociation, paranoia, schizoaffective disorder, autism, bi-polar, many other mental conditions, and people just plain miserable looking to get the most incredible pet ever to make them feel better.


a.  If someone that says something is FREE, but you must pay $9800 to $45,000 for it, are they honest?

b. Why would I wait years for something I can buy and have in my possession within a few months? 

c.  Why would I consider doing business with someone who disrespects disabled people without means, and gives them false hope?

d.  How does lying to people with psychiatric and medical conditions improve their lives or help them?

With Service Dog School of America’s Service Dog School of America you will never have to wait over a year to get your Psychiatric Service Dog.

service dogs Virginia state

3.  Mostly volunteers train Virginia service dogs, not professional service dog trainers.

That’s right.  Someone is living the dream, getting rich back at the office while amateur dog trainers train the service dogs.  There is a reason none of our Service Dog Trainer competitors in Virginia have photos on their websites like we do.  Service Dog School of America was America’s #1 Behavioral Trainer for decades before we started training service dogs.  We train dogs for behavior so they are cooperative and obedient, on the leash and off. 

Service Dog School of America is the only service dog trainer in Virginia that offers off-leash obedient trained psychiatric service dogs for sale.


a.  Do only professional service dog trainers interact with and train the dogs?

b. Are the trainers all full-time professionals with college degrees, or do you have volunteers training the dogs?

c. Do you actually train all the service dogs yourself and have a college degree, or do you just work in the office?  

Do yourself and your service dog a favor and hire a Service Dog Trainer, not an agency that will have amateur volunteers train your dog.  

therapy dogs Virginia

4.  Most Virginia Psychiatric Service Dogs are no better trained than most pet dogs, and the disabled pay $9,000 to $65,000 for them.

Have you noticed that Service Dog School of America’s website is the only service dog trainer in Virginia with 1000’s of photos of trained dogs?  You are setting yourself up for major disappointment if you think that just because someone is in business and seems legitimate that you are going to get a well-trained service dog.  

BELIEVE IT OR NOT.  What you see in the photos of a dog trainer website is their best foot forward.  A client giving a testimonial tells you nothing; people lie.  A dog in a service dog vest standing next to a disabled person in a wheelchair tells you nothing either.  You need to see many trained dogs in all different situations to actually tell if the dogs are trained or not. 


a.  It is a Psychiatric Service Dog for Anxiety, why do I have to pay $40,000 or more like it is a Seeing Eye Dog for the Blind?

b.  How come the dogs on Service Dog School of appear better trained and Service Dog School of America is $so much less?

c.   How can can service dog trainers that do not offer off-leash obedience charge more than N. America’s only service dog trainer that teaches Off-Leash Obedience? 

therapy dogs Virginia

5. Just because it is a “Non-Profit” does not mean somebody is not making bank and getting rich.   

Most Virginia non-profits are mom and pop operators paying themselves generous salaries and getting most of their expenses paid for.   

The worst part is most of these 501 (c)’s not only victimize their disabled clients, but also well-meaning volunteers who think they are helping.  They are helping—the owner get rich by selling service dogs and service dog training, value that was created for little or no cost by volunteers. 

We hate to judge, but it sounds really dishonest to us selling somebody a service dog trained by unpaid volunteers.  Service Dog School of America only has full-time trainers that have trained literally thousands of dogs over decades time.


FACT: When you hire a service dog agency, there are administrators. You pay for all that. 

a.  Wouldn’t you be better off, get more value, and a better trained dog by cutting out all the middlemen and expensive employees and dealing directly with the best dog trainer? 

b.  Virginia Non-Profits don’t have Off-Leash trained dogs or pictures of dogs with cats, do they?

c.  You are buying dog training, why not hire a trainer who can deliver the results you are looking for, save you money, and give you a much better trained dog?

therapy dogs Virginia

6. Pit Bulls and German Shepherd mixes are not good Psychiatric Service Animals.

You can have any kind of dog you want as a Psychiatric Service Dog for Anxiety, but there is a reason a number of breeds are commonly mentioned, recommended or required.  

Any breed can be good as a psychiatric service dog because it is more about the individual dog’s temperament, however, if you have anxiety or depression, you do not want a crackhead dog that drives you crazy with its hyper-vigilence, whining, and over-protectiveness.  service dogs Virginia

7. It doesn’t take 18 months to 2 years to train a service or therapy dog for anxiety, PTSD, or depression.

What they are talking about is you cannot expect the dog to be “fully-trained,” whatever that means, at least until the dog’s brain fully develops.

Also, for a Mobility Service Dog tasks such as leaning on the dog to brace yourself cannot be done before 18 months because the dog is not developed and cannot handle the weight yet because the dog is still too young.

Virginia Service dog agencies will tell you it takes a long time to justify often outrageous, exhorbitant, excessive prices. 

service dog training Virginia

8. Just because a dog is trained to perform service dog tasks means it is trained and can be an ADA Psychiatric Service Dog.

If your dog is bad or you do not answer the two questions correctly, they can forbid you entrance, or ask you to leave an establishment. No one cares about what tasks your service dog can perform if it creates a nuisance, disturbance or threat.

The only dogs that can be Service Dogs are Assistance Animals trained for Public Access.  If the dog is not trained for Public Access, it is a pet, not a Service Dog or an Assistance Animal.  

They people in Virginia who buy certifications online and try to game the system to get a Psychiatric Service Dog for anxiety are missing the point.  They need to leave their dog at home or in the car because it has not been trained for Public Access so it cannot be a Service Dog according to the Americans With Disabilities Act or Virginia law.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a professionally-trained Psychiatric Service Dog and never have to worry because it is trained crazy-good, and it is a lot of fun, and you can be proud of it?

trained therapy dogs Virginia

9. Your service dog, or a therapy dog, can fly with you on an airplane or go anyplace you go?

Pretty much. 

service dogs Virginia

10. If you pay $40,000 or $50,000+ for a service dog or therapy dog, your dog won’t be as trained as if you paid Service Dog School of America about $25,000.

Definitely let us know if someone is getting better results with Psychiatric Service Dogs in Virginia and we will dump what we are doing, and go work for, and learn from them.

Service Dog School of America is the #1 Virginia Service Dog brand.

service dogs for sale Virginia


Service Dog School of America provides well-trained Assistance Dogs at a lower cost, and without clients having to wait 2 to 5 years to get their Service Animal.

Service Dog School of America is the only Virginia service dog trainer offering Off-Leash Obedience trained Autism Service Dogs and Psychiatric service dogs for anxiety, PTSD, depression, dissociation, paranoia, schizoaffective disorder, autism, bi-polar, many other mental conditions, and people just plain miserable looking to get the most incredible pet ever to make them feel better.

service dogs in Virginia

service dogs Virginia How is a dog trained if it only listens on a leash?   

Service Dog School of America’s service dog training program is the only Virginia service dog training school with photos and videos of 1000’s of dogs that are well-behaved on and off-leash.  Imagine buying a service dog that is not Off-Leash obedient.

How is a dog trained for Public Access according to the American’s with Disabilities Act if the dog is not actually trained?


a. Are the service dogs you sell or train generally off-leash obedient?

b. I don’t want my service dog running away.  Are you an off-leash trainer?

c. How come your website doesn’t show service dogs off-leash?

d. How can you train for ADA compliance if you are not an Off-Leash Trainer?

e. How come your website has no photos of trained service dogs off-leash?

f.  How come David Baron’s Service Dog School of America website has 1000’s of photos of dogs trained off-leash, but you do not?

90% of service dogs for sale in Virginia are poorly trained and do not meet professional standards for excellence.service dogs Virginia

service dogs VirginiaHow can I tell if the Service Dog Training is good? 

They will have the same kinds of photos and videos like we show you with dogs obedient off-leash.

trained service dogs VirginiaDo I need a Virginia Service Dog Program that teaches Off-Leash Dog Training? 

You will not have a service dog if your dog runs down the street and gets its head run over by a car.

Most service dog programs in Virginia are shams and the service dogs for sale are really expensive and often not actually very trained at all.  

PEOPLE LIE. It is a lot harder to show people 1000’s of dogs you trained that behave off-leash.

psychiatric service dogs Virginia
service dogs Virginia PTSD Service Dogs Virginia.  Psychiatric Service Dogs trained to be pleasant, calm, friendly, loyal and loving.  Our training focuses on temperament and quality of interactions instead.
depression service dogs Virginia AMERICA’S #1 PSYCHIATRIC SERVICE DOG SCHOOL. There won’t be any Service Dog or Emotional Support in Virginia if your dog runs down the street, or sees a dog and takes off.


Virginia Service Dogs for Sale
psychiatric service dogs Virginia VirginiaEmotional Support Animals
trained autism service dogs Virginia NOT a 501(c) with VOLUNTEERS TRAINING DOGS.
trained service dogs Virginia NO WAITING 2 TO 7 YEARS FOR YOUR DOG.
trained service dogs Virginia OFF-LEASH OBEDIENCE. COMPARE!!!!
fully-trained service dogs in Virginia 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.

service animal service dogs Virginia INSTANT ENROLLMENT PROCESS No Waiting!!!

service dogs Virginia SKIP THE BUREAUCRATIC RUNAROUND.  Deal directly with the trainer for better service and lower cost.  No waiting 2 to 5 years to get a dog from an Virginia service dog agency or non-profit that was “trained” by well-meaning amateur volunteers.

trained service dogs Virginia

service dogs Virginia EMOTIONAL SUPPORT DOG TRAINERS.  Have a dog that makes you feel better that you can take anywhere pet dogs are normally allowed.

Click Here To Buy A Service Dog Today

Service Dog School of America
Service Dogs Virginia State

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