Service Dog Training Near Me
Did you have a panic attack and Google “service dog training near me?”
It can get really crazy looking for service dog training. Every other housewife claims to be a service dog trainer “near me.” You need to be very careful and weigh your options carefully because. . .
People with disabilities are being treated like dogs.
–People with disabilities are getting hammered and forced by other trainers to pay $40,000+ for service dogs no better trained than most pet dogs.
–People with disabilities are being made to wait 3 to 7 years, and many still don’t ever get a dog even after paying a deposit.
Click here for prices and Availability of service dogs available for sale.
Therapy dog training near me where the dogs only listen if they are on a leash is for fools. There won’t be any service dog training if your service dog runs down the street and gets run over by a car.
Think your PTSD, Anxiety and Depression is bad now? Imagine seeing your Psychiatric Service Dog gets its head run over by a car. A dog is not trained if obedience goes out the window when its leash comes off.
Service Dog School of America is the only service dog trainer in America that sells and trains dogs to be off-leash obedient.
–Most service dog trainer websites do not show trained dogs, but we show almost 1,000 Off-Leash Obedient dogs we trained on this website!!!
–Don’t trust or give money to any service dog trainer or organization unless they show you trained service dogs that are obedient off-leash.
Service Dog Training School of America is for Service Dogs, Emotional Support Dogs. We are a trainer for dogs near me and Service Dogs and Emotional Support Dogs. Therapy Dog Training Near Me is available.
Service Dog Training School Near Me was created to provide well-trained Assistance Dogs at a lower cost, and without clients having to wait 2 to 5 years to get their service animal.
Service Dog Training Near Me
THE ONLY OFF-LEASH DOG TRAINING NEAR ME. We can train your puppy, rescue dog or dog bred for service.
When experience counts. Dog Training Near Me.
Unlike most of our competitors, we have been training dogs since the 1960’s. Better to buy dog training near me from someone with a lot expertise, and who is reliable and trustworthy. Service dog training is the Olympics of Dog Training. Better to stick with the winners with a lot to show you.
TRAINING TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. Have a well-trained Service Dog without paying a premium for unnecessary tasks.
BEHAVIORAL TRAINING NEAR ME. Service Dogs trained to be pleasant, calm, friendly, loyal and loving. The training focuses on temperament and quality of interactions.
ON & OFF-LEASH SERVICE DOG TRAINING Near Me. There won’t be any Service Dog or Emotional Support if your dog runs down the street, or sees a dog and takes off.
Notice how almost all Service Dog and trainer for dogs near me websites only show dogs on leashes. If the dogs are really trained, why are all of them on leashes? We are renowned for getting all breeds of dogs Off-Leash Obedient without using shock collars. No one has more off-leash obedient dogs they trained to show you.
Everyone has a camera on their cellphone. We are BEHAVIORAL TRAINERS specializing in Off-Leash Obedience. What you see in our photos is what you get. Tell us we are wrong, but 99% of Service Dog trainers, agencies, organizations, schools, and charities do not have ANY photos of dogs they trained to be off-leash obedient on their websites. Many Service Dog and trainer for dogs near me websites even show dogs they say are “trained” wearing prong collars and head halter restraints.
Typical results you can expect with Dog Training Near Me.
BE CAREFUL not to buy thin air. Being a 501(c) charity or pontificating at length and pointing to authorities and State and Federal laws is different than showing dozens of dogs you trained to substantiate the efficacy of your Service Dog training. Well-meaning is different than well-qualified. In the dog training profession, like many professions, 5% of the dog trainers are getting 95% of the results. If someone was a trainer for dogs near me and was proud of their dog training, they would show dozens of dogs they trained. Either someone who is a trainer for dogs near mehas photos of dogs they trained or they do not, there is no in-between.
SKIP THE BUREAUCRATIC RUNAROUND. Deal directly with the trainer for better service and lower cost. No waiting 3 to 7 years to get a dog from an agency that was “trained” by well-meaning amateur volunteers.
EMOTIONAL SUPPORT DOG TRAINERS NEAR ME. Have a dog that makes you feel better that you can take anywhere pet dogs are normally allowed.
Service Dog School Of America Is For You!
Service Animals
Service animals are sometimes referred to as assistance animals, assist animals, support animals, or helper animals.
For a person to legally qualify to have a service dog, he/she must have a disability that substantially limits his/her ability to perform at least one major life task without assistance.
To qualify as a service dog, the dog must be individually trained to perform that major life task. All breeds and sizes of dogs can be trained as service animals.
Emotional Support Animals
An emotional support animal (ESA) is a person’s pet that has been prescribed by a person’s licensed therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist (any licensed mental health professional). The animal is part of the treatment program for this person and is designed to bring comfort and minimize the negative symptoms of the person’s emotional/psychological disability.
ESAs are also sometimes referred to as comfort animals, comfort pets, or companion animals. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, mini-pigs, hedgehogs, and many more species may qualify as an ESA. These animals do not require specific task-training because it is the very presence of the animal that mitigates the negative symptoms associated with a person’s disorder. An ESA can be any age.
What Animals Qualify To Be An ESA?
All domesticated animals may qualify as an ESA (cats, dog, mice, rabbits, birds, snakes, hedgehogs, rats, mini pigs, ferrets, etc.) and they can be any age (young puppies and kittens, too!). These animals do not need any specific task-training because their very presence mitigates the symptoms associated with a person’s psychological/emotional disability, unlike a working service dog. The only requirement is that the animal is manageable in public and does not create a nuisance in or around the home setting.
Therapy Animals Near Me
Many people confuse Therapy Animals with Service Dogs. A therapy animal is normally a dog (but can be other species) that has been obedience trained and screened for its ability to interact favorably with humans and other animals. The primary purpose of a therapy dog is to provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospices, disaster areas, and to people with learning difficulties. Therapy Dog Training Near Me is available and so is a trainer for dogs near me.
Therapy animals may be classified into three different types:
Therapy Dog Training Near Me
The first (and most common) are “Therapeutic Visitation” animals. These dogs are household pets whose owners take time to visit hospitals, nursing homes, detention facilities, and rehabilitation facilities. Visitation dogs help people who have to be away from home due to mental or physical illness or court order. These people often miss their own pets, and a visit from a visitation animal can brighten the day, lift spirits, and help motivate them in their therapy or treatment with the goal of going home to see their own pets.
Animal Assisted Therapy Near Me
The second type of therapy animal is called an “Animal Assisted Therapy” animal. These animals assist physical and occupational therapists in meeting goals important to a person’s recovery. Tasks that a dog can help achieve include gaining motion in limbs, fine motor control, or regaining pet care skills for caring for pets at home. Animal Assisted Therapy animal usually work in rehabilitation facilities.
Facility Therapy Near Me
The third type of therapy animal is called a “Facility Therapy Animal”. These dogs primarily work in nursing homes and are often trained to help keep patients with Alzheimer’s disease or other mental illness from getting into trouble. They are handled by a trained member of the staff and live at the facility.
Dog Obedience Near Me
Service Dog School of America is Number One across the USA also for pet training. Since 1998, Service Dog School of America has been the most-trusted behavioral dog trainer with our signature Dog Training Near Me programs.
Pet Training Near Me
When it come to training regular family pets, tell your friends, no one gets better results with difficult or stubborn dogs.
How Is Service Dog School of America’s Training Method Different?
Our method uses Love, Affection, Friendship, Respect and Trust instead. The dogs listen without leashes, and there are no shock collars or choke chains, and you don’t have to bribe your dog with food ever.
There are 100’s of dog trainers and trainers for dogs near me, but only Service Dog School of America teaches “Off-Leash Dog Obedience Training Without Shock Collars.”
“America’s Behavioral Dog Training Near Me”
The Service Dog School of America method is based on the The Canine Spatial Relationship,
the first comprehensive Behavioral and Off-Leash training method.
COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL DOG TRAINERS instead of corrections, rewards, punishments, domination and force.
Love, Affection, Respect & Trust instead of shock collars, compulsion and ineffective Food-Bribery.
The difference is we train service dogs Near me for good behavior and citizenship instead of making the dogs hate obedience with repetitive and boring on-leash commands, using forceful methods and bribing with food. Call us first for a trainer for dogs near me or Therapy Dog Training Near Me.
“VERY PROFESSIONAL AND EFFECTIVE – We looked at every service dog trainer Near Me and Dave stood out by far. He was easy to understand, concise and made the training fun for us. We really felt empowered that we were taught the skills necessary to feel confident enough to have our dog under control in any situation, even if he was not on a leash. Dave was a little more money, but well worth it.”
Service Dog School of America offers AMAZINGLY EFFECTIVE lessons, service dog boot camp, and Therapy Dog Training Near Me and in surrounding cities.
Whether you have a cute little puppy and need basic obedience, a trainer for dogs near me for an old aggressive dog or a service dog, Service Dog School of America provides great value and excellent service Near Me. And, definitely call us if other dog trainers, behaviorists or veterinarians tell you that your dog can’t be trained and should be euthanized.
The Spatial Relationship-Based Method
100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
If you do what my trainer or I tell you, and if the training does not work for you and your dog, and you are not satisfied with my service, I will give you 100% of your Money Back*.
Service Dog School of America is America’s most trusted dog expert with a trainer for dogs near me, Service Dog Training Near Me, Dog Training Near Me and Therapy Dog Training Near Me. Service Dog School of America is the only service dog trainer in N. America offering dog training near me with Off-Leash Training.
1. Submit a Service Dog Application
2. Call the Office (916)701-6458
3. Get to know us on Facebook and see 100’s of dogs we trained and service dogs for sale.